Sunday, October 24, 2010

More, more, more RESEARCH!

As I'm completing my interviews, I'm finding the need to do more research. Something will come up and I'll think, "Ahh.  I want to know more about that!"  or "I want to include that in my findings, but need some frame of reference."  Thus, I'm back to researching.  I thought I was at a point with the data I had collected on my topic to go forward with my lit review, but now I'm not so sure.  I think the hardest part of this whole project for me is knowing how to define my topic and keep it within a scope that I can do justice with.  (Pardon the grammar.)  Anyone else finding this? 

My last interview is tomorrow and I'm really looking forward to it.  Then one more transcription.  Yeah!!  I'm wanting to start organizing and analyzing, but feel I'd best wait until after next class to learn more about this before I begin.  At this point, I'm still looking for themes and trends in the data and think I'm finding LOTS!  Again, how to define and focus is my problem. 

Until soon, Lauren

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