Friday, November 5, 2010

This is it!!

/This weekend, I'll be holed up in my computer room at home pounding out my draft of my paper.  I think I've got all the pieces. . . it's just putting it together into the final product.  Sounds easy, right?  Yikes.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

More, more, more RESEARCH!

As I'm completing my interviews, I'm finding the need to do more research. Something will come up and I'll think, "Ahh.  I want to know more about that!"  or "I want to include that in my findings, but need some frame of reference."  Thus, I'm back to researching.  I thought I was at a point with the data I had collected on my topic to go forward with my lit review, but now I'm not so sure.  I think the hardest part of this whole project for me is knowing how to define my topic and keep it within a scope that I can do justice with.  (Pardon the grammar.)  Anyone else finding this? 

My last interview is tomorrow and I'm really looking forward to it.  Then one more transcription.  Yeah!!  I'm wanting to start organizing and analyzing, but feel I'd best wait until after next class to learn more about this before I begin.  At this point, I'm still looking for themes and trends in the data and think I'm finding LOTS!  Again, how to define and focus is my problem. 

Until soon, Lauren

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Transcription Blues

Hour 12 now on transcribing my focus group interview--and I'm a fast typist!!  My son says, "You're STILL working on that??"  Another revelation is how people talk. . . sentences that run on forever and lots of fillers.  It looks so funny when you actually transcribe it verbatim.    I do agree with Dr. Howard that the process leads to a VERY thorough recollection of everything that was discussed.  I think I almost have it memorized!!

I've got my first individual interview today, after she had to cancel last week.  I have a new respect for researchers! Just setting up the interviews and focus groups is extremely difficult!  Don't these people realize how important it is to ME??  ha ha

Also finishing up my mash-up.  So much to do with my other two classes and work and family.  Wondering whether embarking on this program was a mistake??

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Focus group went well!

My focus group earlier today went well, AND my new digital recorder worked!  (Sigh of relief:-)  Now. . . the transcribing begins. I want to do this right away while everything is fresh in my mind, such as nonverbals displayed during the conversations, etc., but finding the time is the issue.  My recorder does have an earphone option so at least I won't be keeping my family up while I'm listening and transcribing! 

My participants were very forthcoming and later all expressed gratitude to me for the opportunity to participate. (Didn't expect this:-)  They said that they rarely get the opportunity to discuss what they do in such detail and to interact with others who have similar roles.  They said the discussion was beneficial to them in that they picked up ideas for their co-workers.  The discussion also seemed to be somewhat of a bonding experience, as one of the participants was a retiree and the others hadn't seen him in some time.  The retiree actually said that discussing his former role in hospice made him miss his work and patients, and he thanked me again for the opportunity to "re-live" this part of his life.

I offered candy and had some water available.  The water seemed to be a good idea, since with all the talking, they wanted something to drink. 

Working on my scholarly lecture review and the mash-up, too.  So much to learn, so little time!!  I have so much new respect for researchers and the time/commitment involved. 

Monday, October 4, 2010

Interviews on the way!!

I had success today in setting up my focus group and first individual interview!!  I'm excited, but a bit concerned about the length of the interviews.  I've got a lot of questions and hope that the focus group participants, in particular, won't be too difficult to keep on track. 

In the meantime, I'm fine-tuning my questions based on the feedback and exercise from Saturday's class. I also did some work on my scholarly lecture report.  Busy, busy, busy!! 

Friday, September 24, 2010

Wow! Observing and learning the tough stuff.

This morning I had a particularly moving experience as I observed/participated in a hospice nurse's visit with a woman my own age who has advanced cancer and isn't expected to live more than a couple of weeks.  Tough stuff to see/experience, but the nurse did a wonderful job of communicating with the patient.  Made me truly appreciate the important role of these caregivers in helping patients deal with their impending death and all the emotions surrounding this.  I'm getting more and more comfortable in my role as an ethnographer.  I think I can even pronounce it correctly now!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

IRB process --Acronym for Irritating Reseach Bumps (or Bruises)??

Well, this week has been a good learning experience regarding all the "hoops" to be jumped through for the IRB application approval.  Whew!  I appreciate, though, that the university takes this process so seriously and I am assured that whatever research is being done will be done with the utmost safety and concern for those involved in the experiments or observation. 

Also made some headway on my first paper--the one analyzing an article.  I hope to finish it later today after reviewing Dr. Howard's suggested website.